Thursday, 9 June 2016

Guess who's back....back again

The eagle eyed amongst you would have noted that two years ago after the greatest ever World Cup had been concluded, I said that I would be posting during the Euros due to the likelihood of my life having not been sorted out.  Thankfully, that is actually is what has happened. Whilst I should be spending my next few months looking for gainful employment, planning a wedding and organising some home improvements (what a sorry state of affairs my life has become),  I have decided to abandon all of the aforementioned and decided to spend every day for the few next weeks watching every single game of the tournament, as well as trying to keep on top of the social media frenzy, just for your pleasure! It's a hard job but someone has to do it.

It's actually hard to believe we first posted on this blog around 10 years ago and so much has happened in everyone's lives and in the footballing world since that time.  On a personal note I have managed to scramble onto the property ladder, travel half the world, sleep with 37.5 women, appeared on a TV documentary and written for a magazine whilst in the footballing world, Sepp Blatter has been finally been felled, Steven Gerrard made the costliest slip in Premier League History and Arsenal have finally won a league title! (ok, one of those on the list was a lie)

Anyway, as you can expect, the format is not going to change for this tournament. We'll have scathing comments on each game, WAGs galore, commentary capers as well as all the fantastic and funny observations from Twitter, Instagram and such like.  I would like to believe that the legendary Roastwatch would be making a re-appearance but I think it's fair to say that in today's world it will be harder for any professional footballers to be getting up to such shenanigans so I wouldn't hold out too much for any Vardy Party action.

On a final sobering note, I will be actually attending Euro 2016 in person as I have been fortunate enough to nab tickets for the Quarter Final and Semi Final in Paris and Marseilles.  Thankfully for me, France is currently the safest country on the planet so I actually can't wait to get over there and get involved.

(As there is an extreme likelihood I could be making my way back in a coffin, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you all for a small donation in order to help pay for my likely funeral expenses)

Roll on Friday!


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