As the self-described
greatest football blog ever made, I appreciate that I should probably be
providing some incisive analysis about the games being played on the pitch but
I am going to ease in and instead first just elaborate my thoughts on the
disastrous opening ceremony.
Things seemed to start off
reasonably well, although Clive Tydesley probably wished that commentating on
this sort of nonsense was not part of his job description, sounding like a
thoroughly pissed off Terry Wogan at the Eurovision Song Contest (except
without the late Irishman’s delicious irony).
You could almost hear him grimace as he commented on people dressed as
giant lips….“they are famous for their kisses you know”. Poor bastard.
The music seemed
reasonably on point with the Can Can and “La Vie en Rose” being blasted out on
high and nothing seemed too worrying at this point. Then after a few more
minutes I thought that I had dropped an E and been transported to the set of Charlie
and the Charlie Factory, such was the madness that was going on in front my
Then, even more bizarrely,
the organisers decided to wheel out a certain David Guetta who was prancing
around and twiddling his knobs (watch it you filthy animals) as if he was
closing out a set in Ibiza. I wasn't sure if he had arrived their unannounced as he
looked completely out of place
Now, I appreciate the guy's
enthusiasm but playing Black Eyed Peas and Akon?!? Really? Who on earth thought
that would be a good idea? I just wish
he had gone the whole hog and blasted out “Sexy Bitch”, at least then we might
have had some bikini clad women run out onto the pitch to help improve
Meanwhile, fresh his embarrassing
performance on Question Time, Eddie Izzard was providing his football expertise
within the ITV studios. Wait a minute..what’s that you was Slaven
Bilic? Are you sure…? OK maybe that's just me then
Anyway, it's time for the bit you have all been waiting for. The match report! Except that I can't be bothered any more to write a lot on this subject so I will stick to a brief summary instead
1) Payet really is the sh*t, if he continues to play like this he could be the standout performer for France. What a hit son
2) Giroud really does have a magnificent beard doesn't he? (and also earnt me £11.50 so merci beaucoup Olivier!)
3) France probably won't win it if they keep defending like they have done tonight
Right, I'm off to catch up on Love Island. Just kidding obviously. Except I'm not
And last but not least..........Come on IN-GER-LAND!!!
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